50 Tips for Men from Trees


50 tips for men from trees …

1. Not up to you how you were born . And new trees are of several kinds . Seem sad willows , oak – strong maple – proud, but each has the same potential and is unique in its own way . Use your own skills and learn new ones.

2. . Find your energy and inner strength . We use this winter when it’s cold and snow we click branches .
3.  Be flexible . If a tree would remain stiff limbs would break , which is why we are moving along with the wind, then back to the original position and stronger .
4.  Enjoy rainy times . Not only will you appreciate it more sun , but will grow nicely.
5. There are no ugly tree , but eyes that look without seeing .
6. Evolve at your own pace and enjoy the way your growth . New trees , not envious look at others who are bigger or stronger. Just enjoy every day with every leaf green .
7.  Take some of the worry and pessimism of others and turn it into positive energy , and gives it as a good mouth oxygen.
8. Nothing lasts . And we always grow new branches and leaves other , but we’re not crying over every leaf yellowing , but we enjoy what we have.
9. Strong roots helps every time. Do not forget where you come from and what lessons have you learned during your growth .
10 . Sometimes life can you look tough or sad . Do not give up then! No matter how big your storm would seem out roots remain strong , and soon you will see how the sun rises .
11 . Be grateful every day! A tree does not forget that. When the sun rises, when children play with him when they find refuge and singing birds on branches above us, the trees, in gratitude , flowering.
12 . Drop the fear! If they were afraid the trees would remain with the old and decayed leaves , but they have the courage to let go and accept new ones.
13 . After a harsh winter and heavy , coming spring . Always . So you no longer do so worried .
14 . Love ! For us there are no trees worthy of love or not. Whatever has something special that makes it unique and not let us lock variety , color or roots , so we love each and together form beautiful forests , parks and many other areas that have not seen blooming because glasses your worries.
15 . Your reality is not the only existing truth so listen and others. A tree does not say ” All leaves must be green . ‘ If you would do that , would ignore all the other wonderful varieties with red leaves , orange and many other differences and gorgeous .
16 . Universe means abundance. A tree never asks if the heat will come , if you manage to survive the cold and as he leaves will grow back . He knows that things will come naturally .
17 . All you have is the present moment . No matter how painful it is beautiful or choose to enjoy , because it will not come back.
18 . Stop to think that things are tough . A tree does not say ” can not flourish . This year I will not be fruitful ! It’s too hard , painful and uncomfortable . ” Simply do it with confidence and ease.
19 . I do not expect happiness , choose it! You hear a tree to say ” If I were 5 feet high to the right and 20 cm would be happier ? ” . We do not say this because we understand that we can choose happiness in the present moment , from where we are, with the resources we have.
20 . Reach for the heights , enjoying what you do now. You will always have what to learn and what to accomplish to get bigger, stronger , more beautiful .
21 . Compare yourself with yourself. No matter that some trees have red leaves , and some people prefer them . I am a different sort , but this year we have the most beautiful leaves up now, living green .
22 . Let yourself be embraced . It can get a bit of energy and love, instead giving the same thing or anything you want .
23 . Real power means vulnerability. Although not always seen , no tree is perfect. Sometimes people hurt us and sometimes we feel tired after all our fallen snow on branches or simply , are slightly bent in places, but does not hide it. And allow us to show our vulnerable and naked.
24 . Bring value to people’s lives through what you are. I , as a tree , I am glad when people take refuge in my shade and willow have a friend who admires lovers who look wistfully at its branches .
25 . Notice how each leaf has a different shade of green . Apply this to your life and will change radically .
26 . Admire what is around you. Until we, trees , leaves mend our admiration when we see beautiful people , happy and bold .
27 . Trust ! If nature can be so perfect and abundant , as you and go through your head that you could be otherwise?
28 . Forgive . Although sometimes I get upset when I see people who destroy nature or throw garbage on the floor, I know it’s in my power to get stronger and they do not know more than that . But you, the man can make a difference in this aspect. Forgive , then decide how you want to act . In all aspects of your life.
29 . Be responsible! If we blame the hot summer and cold winter we solve ? We focus only on what we can do .
30 . The best time is now! Do not wait for the proper season , but create new moment. To grow. Apply this to your life and give up procrastination. You, as a man, you have even more possibilities.
31 . Give up the past. It seems absurd to think that a tree in the cold winter of 2008 , instead of enjoy the pleasant spring of 2013. It’s the same in humans.
32 . Be yourself always . Drop the masks. Have you seen a tree to lie it’s the other kind just to be liked ? You do not even need that. We attract people who resonate with us as we really are.
33 . Be less selfish until you find the strength to give. Autumn because our dance , the wind seems stronger and people avoid sitting next to us . If storm , fear them not to fall . But if we remain righteous just for their sake , we break. So that means that sometimes you need to drive out less , so you can give more later.
34 . Do not mind the defects observed in others, for they are your mirror . I have a friend tree that stands near a lake . It has many flaws. It’s crooked , the leaves are fewer and smaller branches and irregular . All this is reflected in the lake in front of him , but I never heard that water is irritating him show his qualities and defects .
35 . Look inside. It amuses me how you people want to open the gates that open only from the inside. If your life does not look like you want , look at the roots inside and your beliefs . I saw a woman upset that they were not good apples from the tree and wanted to change the apples , not better care of the tree roots .
36 . I do not know if you ever tell anyone , but we , trees , sunny periods , we keep a reserve of energy within us that winter use . It might be an idea to think about and you take long-term decisions .
37 . Dare to shine at your value . By the time we grow leaves does not hurt , but it’s celebration.
38 . No matter how dark it may seem you , look up. Always will be stars to illuminate your way . And no, you’re not alone .
39 . Beautify the lives of others without expecting anything in return . Have you heard any tree that says ” You owe me ” ?
40 . Enjoy the sun , but do not stay in the warm comfort zone . Do not wait for the wind to put you on the move. You continue to grow one anyway.
41 . Dare to aim up. Often, when we see the moon in the sky , we lie to her . We may not get there again – or maybe. Whatever it is, something beautiful waiting. It’s the same for you. Life rewards people bolder .
42 . No matter how old you are , but the life in your years . Also , experience is not age, but lessons learned. Can flourish regardless of figure that celebrate every year .
43 . Stop wondering if there is life beyond death. It’s more important is how much life before death. We, the trees do everything we can to live and provide value while we’re here .
44 . Trees do not need acknowledgment and appreciation . It would be the height to argue among ourselves and ask others to tell us that trees are beautiful and the leaves and stems are perfect . Look at yourself in the mirror (or lake if you prefer ) and is only the parts that you love you. Stop judging yourself . You are wonderful!
45 . Listen to music . The trees love music . And when it ‘s too quiet , caress leaves us with the sounds of nature . That brings us joy and peace. Open the window in the early morning and you will understand what I mean .
46 . Whatever happens, no matter what the strike , destroying or down life , remember that you have the same value and is in your power to keep growing. Or what? You mean that if I wind last little bent , I’m not perfect and powerful ?
47 . One day , a young woman stopped to rest my strain reading a book . I pointed phrase. ” For each leaf of a tree, there is an angel who tells him : growing! Grow ! ” Lucky me ! Do you realize what you have angels in your life?
48 . Have patience . Sometimes it can take years to get to the proposed height , but I assure you it’s worth it .
49 . Share . No need to look arrogant , straight and unwavering . The oak is so strong that divide power. So you help people that appear in your way.
50 . Love life . And life will give you the most beautiful gifts. Even in the midst of the storm , there may be a bird or a man … a shooting star

Blog 47-365

About lilianausvat

http://www.ucbooksale.com/ http://www.mathematicsmagazine.com www.myereservation.com Reforestation: http://lilianausvat.blogspot.ca/
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